
Cloud-Native Security and Networking with Liz Rice

In this episode, we explore dynamic cloud-native environments and security challenges with Liz Rice.

In this episode, we explore dynamic cloud-native environments and security challenges with Liz Rice.

About the Episode

How are modern cloud-native environments changing the way we handle security? Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent, explains why traditional IP-based network policies are becoming outdated and how game-changers like Cilium and eBPF, which leverage Kubernetes identities, offer more effective and readable policies. We also discuss the role of community-driven projects under the CNCF, and she shares tips for creating strong, future-proof solutions. What challenges should we expect next? Tune in to find out!

About the Guest

Liz Rice is Chief Open Source Officer with eBPF specialists Isovalent, creators of the Cilium cloud native networking, security and observability project. She is the author of Container Security, and Learning eBPF, both published by O'Reilly, and she sits on the CNCF Governing Board, and on the Board of OpenUK. She was Chair of the CNCF's Technical Oversight Committee in 2019-2022, and Co-Chair of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in 2018.

She has a wealth of software development, team, and product management experience from working on network protocols and distributed systems, and in digital technology sectors such as VOD, music, and VoIP. When not writing code, or talking about it, Liz loves riding bikes in places with better weather than her native London, competing in virtual races on Zwift, and making music under the pseudonym Insider Nine.

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